The Re-use Revolution is coming

The Re-use Revolution is coming
Last week, we passed a milestone, that we're all very proud of, and not just because of what we achieved, but what our supporters - our customers & stockists achieved. We just refreshed 600 bottles in our latest in-take.

That's 140kg of beautiful Italian Bruni Glass, that again (for some of them, many times over), has been saved from the recycle bin, ready to serve once again. I was at a breakfast a few weeks back, and was questioned by someone regarded as an industry leader, (and also one of the distinguished keynoters), as to why we just don't recycle? "Isn't that too expensive? Glass is much cheaper to recycle than sterilize, refresh & reuse" With the vast majority of glass that goes to 'recycling' being sent to landfill or down-cycled to less deserving roles, we've always felt the right thing to do was just cop the cost, and stick to the plan.

It's time to stop measuring 'cost' by less dollars spent or more dollars saved. Since when did we start measuring whether or not to "do the right thing" based on profitability? We don't expect praise or recognition, this is deserved by the 600+ individuals who have joined us on our journey to #returnrefreshreuse

Let's make 2020 a year of awareness. Consider your options. Whenever it's an option, reuse before you recycle or refuse.


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