Good Vibes Tribe Podcast is here!

Timing is everything.
Well it's amazing what happens when iso hits. At Hippie, we've had a loooong list of things that we "just have to do sometime soon". And at the top of this list, was a Podcast - a non-essential part of our business, or so we thought, until Corona Virus arrived. We never wanted to make the podcast series about Hippie specifically, because we were on a learning mission ourselves, so COVID-19 presented us an opportunity to extend an open had to our friends & followers, into a community we like to call The Good Vibe Tribe - a growing group of friends, followers & customers, where we boost each other up.
We're privileged that we're connected to some of the most amazing health experts in the country, and many that we still wanted to chat with, were now all of a sudden 'available'. We were reaching out to some Amazing people, and getting willing responses. The first of course, is our debut guest, Dr Peter Dingle - The Gut Guru. Peter had a tour of NZ cut short, and returned home to Perth, where he was self-isolating, so we pounced on the opportunity to chat with him.
The gut is the place where everything happened so keeping it in good shape is critical to maintaining a strong immune system that enables your body to fight off dis-ease.
So with that in mind make sure that you are consuming foods with lots of fibre, so fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and pulses. These become the food (prebiotics) for the bacteria in our gut and enable them to function at a level that enables maximum absorption of nutrients into our bodies.
Then add some ferments into your diet. If you can consume a little of them every day then your gut will thank you for it. So, things like sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, kefir are all very good.
Thirdly, if you are into smoothies, then make sure you are adding ingredients that are anti inflammatory and contain antioxidants, so berries, ginger, turmeric and greens – this can be fresh kale, spinach and also a good greens powder that has chlorella, spirulina, wheat grass, barley grass etc. If you are into growing micro greens then add these as well. They are amazing as the nutrient (vitamin C & E) and antioxidant (beta-carotene) nature of them is through the roof.
They are essentially “vegetables and herbs that haven’t hit puberty yet” If you have access to an olive tree, go grab a few leaves off that and throw them into your smoothie for a hit of olive leaf extract. (Thanks to Dr. Dingle for that hot tip!) Remember healthy gut healthy body, so be kind to your gut and it will look after you!
Until next time, take care and stay safe!